
Saturday, 11 February 2012

The Wargames Loft .... The Grand Opening.

Well, at last.... after 3 months and 2 weeks the new gaming den is complete ... give or take a few little finishing touches... Here's a few before and after shots ...

This is what faced me when I popped my head through the loft hatch at the beginning of November 2011.

After a few weeks things had moved on a little...

This was taken around the beginning of December was cold....really cold!

Fast forward to today and the job's complete..

I really must get a spotlight rail!!!    One of those finishing off jobs  I still need to do.

The finishing touch. The print 'Scotland Forever' bought for me by my lovely Wife at Christmas. 

Well gentlemen, that's my loft project done. It's been very hard work but it's been so worth the effort and at last I have the gaming room I've been waiting for for about 35 years!
Now comes the good part..... The table.


  1. Looks great, Steve; congratulations on a job well done!

  2. Thanks Peter. I must admit I'm really pleased with it.

  3. Excellent result! Will look forward to seeing pics with games in progress. painting table etc. in place.

    Well done!


  4. Cheers Andy. Looking forward to getting my table made now and to getting some scenery on the go.

  5. Awesome result. Well worth the effort I think.

    Nice one.

  6. Whats not to like! Its game-a-riffic!

  7. Incredible job. Well done!

  8. Steve, Well done!!
    This is superb, I still haven't moved into mine yet.
    Look forward to seeing your table in action.

  9. Lovely man cave Steve, I love that picture and now I've remembered to put you on my blogroll....

  10. Fantastic job Steve. What size table you got planned up there? Hope work is picking up for you now, all the best,


  11. Cheers everyone. @Lee : Planning a 7' or 8'x 5' table. It'll be a lightweight affair, timber framed with the playing surface made from foam / polystyrene.


Will all spammers please note that your pointless ramblings will not be published so do us all a favour and feck off. To my friends and fellow gamers please feel free.....