
Thursday 10 January 2013

The Painting Drought Is Broken...

Well after many months of lethargy I've finally got round to painting my Napoleonics again. I still have a mountain of unpainted plastic to go at so I decided to paint up a unit of Italeri French Grenadiers. Done in my usual simple style so the paint job is nothing to shout about but I'm just really glad that my painting 'dry spell' is finally over... A couple more colours to add and then the basing to do.

Still a bit to do on these but it's good to break the brushes out again at last. 

Well this is another unit to put into the V&B project (don't you love small units!) Next up I'm planning on painting up some French Heavy cavalry .... I'm on a roll!


  1. Its funny how the urge to paint / game comes and goes, isn't it? Oh well, its a hobby - only to be indulged when the mood strikes. Nice job on the figures!

    1. Cheers Frank. It is a very strange thing indeed. I can quite happily paint on a regular basis for a few months then bang, there goes my mojo, not to be seen for another few months down the line.
      It's the same with the actual gaming. From around June of last year I did absolutely nothing on the gaming from either!
      Here's hoping the mojo sticks around a little longer this year.
      All the best mate,

  2. Looking good Steve. 54mm plastics? I too just got off my duff and started painting again during the Christmas holiday. It felt good to pick up a paintbrush again after a long hiatus.


    1. Thanks Tom. The figures are 1/72nd scale (20mm ish) French Grenadiers by Italeri... Fiddly things to paint but they've turned out ok. I'm not one of your over the top detail, shading, washing, button painters. I just like a tidy paint job and to get them onto the table as soon as possible!



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